





1. 校级教研教改项目,现代信息技术在《数学物理方法》课程教学中的应用研究与实践” 批准号:JG1460,2014.4-2017.4,主持已结题。

2. 教育部高等学校物理类专业教研教改项目,“数学物理方法课程数字化教学的探索与实践”,2014.6-2016.6,参与(排名第四)已结题。

3. 校级教研教改项目,“大学物理网络教学改革的研究与实践” 批准号:JG1564,2015.6-2017.12,参与(排名第二),已结题。

4. 校级教研教改项目,“大学物理教学体系改革的探索与实践”,2019-2021,参与(排名第二),已结题。

5. 校级教研教改项目,“采用问题驱动的大学物理课堂教学模式, 提高城南学院学生物理素养”,2019-2022,参与(排名第二),在研。

6. 湖南省研究生优质课程立项项目《高等量子力学》,2019.12-2021.12,参与(排名第七),在研。



1. 郭裕, 鲁耿彪, 王成志. “数学物理方法”课程教学改革与实践.吉林省教育学院学报,2015(7)54-55.

2. 郭裕. 浅谈拉普拉斯变换的反演. 课程教育研究, 2015(7)159.
















1. 国家自然科学基金,“弱光的高阶非线性效应增强及其应用研究”,批准号:11105020,主持,已结题。

2. 国家自然科学基金,“多模电磁诱导透明机制及其在量子信息中的应用研究”,批准号:10947135,主持已结题。

3. 教育厅重点项目,“量子最优控制理论及其在制备量子纠缠中的应用研究”批准号:No.20A02520209月至20238月,主持,在研。

4. 长沙市自然科学基金项目,“量子纠缠态的最优制备理论研究”批准号:No. kq200700120207月至20226月,主持,在研。

5. 教育厅优秀青年项目,“固态电磁诱导透明及其在量子信息中的应用研究”批准号:No.13B134主持,已结题。

6. 中国博士后基金,“腔场诱导透明机制及其应用研究”,批准号:No: 20110491725,主持,已结题

7. 湖南省自然科学基金,腔场诱导透明机制及其在量子信息中的应用研究”,批准号:No. 2017JJ2272,主持已结题

8. 国家自然科学基金,黑洞的Hawking辐射与原子的辐射性质”,批准号:No. 11005013 ,参与(第二),已结题。

9. 国家自然科学基金,局域哈密顿量基态和动力学的关联性质研究”,批准号: No. 11175247 ,参与(第四),已结题。

10. 国家自然科学基金,具有磁性杂质的石墨烯中电子输运理论的研究”,批准号:No. 10904007 参与(第三),已结题。

11. 湖南省自然科学基金,驱动光阱系统中少原子隧穿动力学的研究”,批准号:No. 12jj4011 ,参与(第二),已结题。

12. 教育厅优秀青年项目,“具有自旋-轨道耦合冷原子体系中周期调制诱导的选择性隧穿效应”2016.1-2018.12,参与(第二),已结题。



1. Y. Guo, C. C. Shu, D. Dong, and F. Nori, Vanishing and revival of resonance Raman scattering, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 123(22): 223202.

2. Y. Guo, X. B. Luo, S. Ma, and C. C. Shu, All-optical generation of quantum entangled states with strictly constrained ultrafast laser pulses, Physical Review A, 2019, 100(2): 023409.

3. Y. Guo, D. Dong and C. Shu, Optimal and robust control of quantum state transfer by shaping spectral phase of ultrafast laser pulses, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20(14), 9498-9506.

4. Y. Guo, High Fidelity and Fast Population Transfer in a System of Interacting Two-Level Particles via Optimal Control, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018, 57(12): 3865.

5. Y. Guo, J. Y. Li and M. Liu, Electromagnetically induce grating via coherently driven four-level atoms in a N-type configuration, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2015, 54(3): 868. 

6. Y. Guo, Z. H. Wang and D. L. Zhou, Dissipative dynamics of a spin in a spin environment with non-uniform coupling, European Physical Journal D, 2014, 68(5): 110.

7. Y. Guo, Entanglement dynamics of two spin qubits in a spin environment with nonuniform coupling, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014, 53(5):1459.

8. Y. Guo, Multi-mode cross-Kerr interaction and three-qubit all-optical logic gates in a triple electromagnetically induced transparency system, European Physical Journal D, 2013, 67(7): 155.

9. Y. Guo and X. B. Luo, Quantum teleportation between two distant Bose-Einstein condensates, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(6):060303.

10. Y. Guo, Entanglement swapping for distant Bose-Einstein condensates, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51(9):2954.

11. Y. Guo, Y. Liu and D. L. Zhou, Sudden of correlation building velocity in a strong transverse field Ising spin chain, European Physical Journal D, 2012, 66(1): 250.

12. Y. Guo, S. S. Li, and L. M. Kuang, Large cross-phase shifts among three slow weak pulses via triple electromagnetically induced transparency, Journal of Physics B, 2011, 44(6): 065501. 

13. Y. Guo and G.Y. Liu, Scalable preparation of three-atom and four-atom W states via atom cavity laser interaction, Optics Communications (2010)283, 1966.  (SCI收录)

14. Y. Guo, Selective deflection of polarized light via coherently driven four level atoms in a double-Λconfiguration, Commun. Theor. Phys.(2010)53, 923.

15. Y. Guo and G.Y. Liu, Preparation of entangled states of atomic qubits via atom cavity laser interaction, Chinese Optics Letters(2010)

16. Y. Guo and R.S. Qu,Quantum teleportation from light to atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, Modern Physics Letters B(2010)24, 937. 

17. Y. Guo and H.L. Deng, Preparation of cluster states of atomic qubits in cavity QED, Chinese Physics Letters(2010)27, 040309.

18. Y. Guo and H.L. Deng, Near-deterministic generation of three-mode W-type entangled coherent states in free-travelling optical fields, Journal of Physics B (2009)42, 215507.

19. Y. Guo, L. Zhou, L. M. Kuang and C. P. Sun, Magneto-optical Stern-Gerlach effect in atomic ensemble, Physical Review A(2008)78, 013833.

20. X. B. Luo, Z. Y. Zeng, Y. Guo, B. Y. Yang, J. P. Xiao, L. Li, C. Kong, and A. X. Chen, Controlling directed atomic motion and second-order tunneling of a spin-orbit-coupled atom in optical lattices, Physical Review A(2021)103, 043315.

21. D. Y. Dong, C. C. Shu, J. C. Chen, X. Xing, H. L. Ma, Y. Guo, and H. Rabitz, Learning Control of Quantum Systems Using Frequency-Domain Optimization Algorithms, IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology (2021)29, 1791-1798.

22. C. C. Shu, Q. Q. Hong, Y. Guo*, and N. E. Henriksen, Orientational quantum revivals induced by a single-cycle terahertz pulse, Physical Review A(2020)102, 063124.

23. C. C. Shu, Y. Guo, K. J. Yuan, D. Dong, and A. D. Bandrauk, Attosecond all-optical control and visualization of quantum interference between degenerate magnetic states by circularly polarized pulses, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(4): 960-963.

24. S. Ma, S. B. Xue, Y. Guo, and C. C. Shu, Numerical detection of Gaussian entanglement and its application to the identification of bound entangled Gaussian states, Quantum Information Processing, 2020, 19(8): 225.

25. Y. J. He, C. C. Shu, Y. Guo, M. Q. Long, and H. Xu, Visualizing ultrasmall silica–CTAB hybrid nanoparticles for generating high photoluminescence, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(19): 6413-6421.

26. X. B. Luo, B. Y. Yang, J. Cui, Y. Guo, L. LI, and Q. L. Hu, Dynamics of spin–orbit-coupled cold atomic gases in a Floquet lattice with an impurity, Journal of Physics B, 2019, 52(8): 085301.

27. C. Z. Wang, C. X. Li, Y. Guo, G. B. Lu, and K. H. Ding, Environment and initial state engineered dynamics of quantum and classical correlations, Annals of Physics, 2016, 374: 212. 

28. X. B. Luo, Y. M. Wang, X. G. Yu, Y. Guo, G. S. Chong, D. L. Wu, and Q. L. Hu, Directed tunneling of a prescribed number of dipolar bosons in shaken triple-well potentials, Journal of Physics B, 2015, 48(17): 175504.

29. G. B. Lu, L. B. Fu, W. H. Hai, M. L. Zou and Y. Guo, Directed selective-tunneling of bosons with periodically modulated interaction, Physics Letters A, 2015, 379(12): 947.

30. X. B. Luo, D. L. Wu, S. P. Luo, Y. Guo, X. G. Yu and Q. L. Hu, Pseudo-parity–time symmetry in periodically high-frequency driven systems: perturbative analysis, Journal of Physics A, 2014, 47(34): 345301.

31. Y. Liu, Y. Guo and D.L. Zhou, Optimal transfer of an unknown state via a bipartite quantum operation, Europhysics Letters, 2013, 102(1): 50003.

32. Z. H. Wang, Y. Guo and D. L. Zhou, Non-Markovian dynamics in a spin star system: the failure of thermalisation, European Physical Journal D, 2013, 67(11): 218.